Bill Bristows’ father was a spy- he’ll be at Priory giving a fascinating insight into the life of spy

Posted: October 13, 2014 in Uncategorized

His father was a spy...Try and imagine for just a second what your life may have been like with a Spy for a Dad. For most kids, they might immediately envy the idea. I even caught myself dreaming about how exciting it must be for kids whose family members who live out a day-to-day James Bond movie. How glamorous. Yet in reality, as Bill Bristow portrays in his personal account of ‘My Father was a Spy’, the dynamics of such a relationship, shrouded in secrecy and with so much time spent apart, wouldn’t be so desirable at all.  We are usually left to speculate on the reality of such a career and how it impacts on homelife, but in a surprisingly honest and open account which father and son wrote together, former agent Desmond Bristow and his son Bill have given a deep insight into such a life, disclosing far more information at this stage in their lives than ever might have been able to be shared before.

Priory school will be hosting an evening with Bill on Thursday 16th October as he talks about his book and recounts what life was like with an MI6 officer as a father.

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