A fantastic first day of the Schools Programme at Ryde

Posted: October 17, 2014 in Uncategorized
Alex Milway, Elspeth Giddens (organisor), Cecilia Busby, Dianne Hofmeyr and Julia Golding

Alex Milway, Elspeth Giddens (organisor), Cecilia Busby, Dianne Hofmeyr and Julia Golding

Students and staff a like were blown away yesterday with what was a hugely successful day. All involved are to thank- Firstly the students for being so willing to interact (the youngest children were wiggling and jiggling with Dianne Hofmeyr). One year 9 boy even claimed it was “the best day of his life so far” in Sarah Holding’s SeaBEAN session. What a result! The staff at Ryde school did a fantastic job at making sure the day ran smoothly with authors kept well fed and watered (hugley important!) and knew where they were to be at all times. The teachers from other schools who brought children along from many other local island schools also did a fantastic job shipping in bus loads of enthusiastic students to take part in the days madness. The filming side with Word on The Curb gave pupils another angle to the festival with tips for camera techniques and shooting being exchanged. And then in a “pooooof” the first day had ended so soon, boohoo, we can’t wait for next year already!

Today, Cowes Enterprise College and Christ the King College will each be hosting full day events of more great authors, workshops and even poets (at CEC). 9 acres Primary, Northwood Primary, Gurnard Primary and Lanesend Primary will also be joining today’s fun. Check out the full list of who will be at each school.

Sabrina Mahfouz will be performing tonight at Moo Cow cocktail bar and restaurant in Cowes with an evening of Words and Surprise for those who won’t be able to catch her at CEC today (due to not being invited… we know it sounds harsh…!) You’ll need to purchase your ticket from http://www.isleofwightliteraryfestival.org

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