Last day of the fest- what’s on for youngsters?

Posted: October 19, 2014 in Uncategorized

We have had a blast this weekend! There’s been barely a second to write about it, that’s for sure! If you haven’t made it over to Northwood House yet, there’s still some time left. From 10-12.15 today, Phillida Gilli, Linda Newberry, Julia Golding, Sally Prue, Sarah Holding and H. Clarke and S. Conacher have some great sessions not to be missed! You won’t be able to attend them all though as some times over lap, so choose carefully! Later on in the day there’s lots more interesting talkings and seminars. Check out exactly what’s what on the main website

We’ll be doing some more interviews with our competition winners- 9 year old Gabby from Gurnard Primary and 6th formers Will and Verity from Ryde School. They did an amazing job yesterday interviewing Anne Widdecombe, Richard Benson and Simon Callow. I don’t think it’ll be long until Will steals Paxman’s job!

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