Archive for October, 2015

One Week Closer…

Posted: October 5, 2015 in Uncategorized

Hello All,

Keep your hair on Ladies and Gents as it’s nearly here! The events are getting more exciting everyday and the authors are prepping with pens at the ready.

As I mentioned last week we have a lovely list of performers joining us and now we’re holding out for the authors.

Two big names we have coming out are Sara Grant and Andrew Mackay.

Sara Grant’s Novel Dark Parties takes the reader into a dystopian world where fear and lies take control. Follow the protagonist Neva as she tries to overturn the system adventure at a time. Follow Neva as she falls in love and faces her fears through the epic journey of strength and sorrow. Sara is bringing us into her story and making us question – what and where will Neva go next? Why not ask Sara at 10AM on Saturday 18th October?

download (1)

Andrew Mackay takes us into England at War in the 1940s. What if it had happened differently? What happened if the Nazi’s hadn’t been defeated? Well, Andrew gives us a pretty good idea. The Young Lions series follows two young men through their fight against the occupying soilders and their own struggles when everything they know is lost in the attack of their home. All I want to know is, how quickly can I buy my tickets? Find Andrew at the Youth Marquee on Sunday 18th October @ 2PM.


We’ll have some more info coming out soon, don’t fret we’re almost there!!!

For any more details check out the website

And finally, a little chuckle for your Monday afternoon: