Archive for the ‘song writing’ Category

quoteLet’s be honest, the demographic of the IWLF was a little on the grey side, and the lovely people who make it all happen from the 16th-19th October thought it would be “cool” to nudge the ‘age pendulum’ back the other way just a tad. So… A BUSKING SPOT FOR IWLF SCHOOLS! That is super cool if you ask me. Students of any schools/college on the Isle of Wight are invited to get their writing caps on and come up with something beautiful, challenging, thought provoking, striking etc. etc you get the idea- for everyone to enjoy while they’re getting their refreshments at the festival.

If you think you have a gift at using your voice to express words, whether you sing them, speak them or rap them, whether they rhyme or not- then this is for you (just so long as you live on the island and attend a school/college). Instruments welcome.

Contact us below, and tell us your name, age, school and what you’ll be doing (singing/speaking words…).