‘Do the Write Thing’ Competitions

See the full list of competitions here. Please note, you must attend one of the schools listed beside the competition to enter. Each school will have full entry details.

Friday 22nd September- Conflict themed Spoken Word (Cowes Enterprise College, The Priory School, Ryde Academy, Ryde School) Prizes to be won. ***Ask your teacher who to submit your entry to at your school***

-Conflict themed spoken word competition
-250 words max
-selected entries will be performed by actors as part of the ‘Conflict’ production at IWLF on Friday 17th October
-transcripts AND voice recording of piece/and/or/ video recording of piece must be submitted together
       -transcripts without recordings, if chosen, will be interpreted by the performers for the show.
        -transcripts with audio/video may be used on social media sites and also as part of an installation at IWLF
-entrants aged 14-16 only

Friday 26th September Could you be a festival interviewer? (Under 11s  Gurnard Primary, Lanesend Primary, Northwood Primary, The Priory School) Entries to submissions@isleofwightliteraryfestival.org

Chance to interview authors at IWLF
Entrants age 11 and under
Videos interviews of under 2 minutes interviewing a family member, best friend, pet, piece of fruit, or anything you like, about whatever you like! Get creative. IWLF may use the video entries for promotional purposes on their social media sites

Friday 3rd October- Could you be a festival interviewer, cameraman or editor? (Team competition for film students @ Ryde School aged 16+) ***Ask your teacher who to submit your entries to***

-Opportunity for winning entrants to interview authors at IWLF on the Thursday at Ryde School
-Short video interviews, 2 minutes or less, should be filmed, edited and submitted to IWLF by Friday 3rd October
-Interviews should be with inanimate objects (students should get creative. They might interview a cooked breakfast or a flower for example)
-Entrants should work in pairs or teams- one interviewer one camera person, and editors
-The team responsible for the chosen video will take up these roles again on the Thursday of the festival to capture footage and put together promotional material for IWLF.

Closed–  Conflict (Christ the King College and Carisbrooke College) Interpret the theme however you feel  [see http://www.facebook.com/iwlfschools to view some of the entries]

Closed– Pirates, Ship Wrecks and Ghost Ships (Gurnard Primary and Lanesend Primary) Write a short story

Closed -Dinosaur Poems (Gurnard Primary and Lanesend Primary) Write a Dinosaur poem and display it on a poster


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