Posts Tagged ‘isle of wight’

quoteLet’s be honest, the demographic of the IWLF was a little on the grey side, and the lovely people who make it all happen from the 16th-19th October thought it would be “cool” to nudge the ‘age pendulum’ back the other way just a tad. So… A BUSKING SPOT FOR IWLF SCHOOLS! That is super cool if you ask me. Students of any schools/college on the Isle of Wight are invited to get their writing caps on and come up with something beautiful, challenging, thought provoking, striking etc. etc you get the idea- for everyone to enjoy while they’re getting their refreshments at the festival.

If you think you have a gift at using your voice to express words, whether you sing them, speak them or rap them, whether they rhyme or not- then this is for you (just so long as you live on the island and attend a school/college). Instruments welcome.

Contact us below, and tell us your name, age, school and what you’ll be doing (singing/speaking words…).

This Friday 26th September will be the deadline for Under 11s to have their shot at being a festival interviewer! For those destined for the TV, what better way to get some experience then entering such a competition and learning lots in the process. Lanesend, Gurnard, and Northwood Primary School students, with the help of family or friends, should send us a 2 minute video of themselves interviewing their aunty, uncle, friend, dog, or their favourite fruit! Basically whatever/whoever they want, about whatever they want. GET CREATIVE. Make us laugh if you can. But don’t miss out on the opporunity to interview top authors at the Isle of Wight Literary Festival. Who knows where it could lead!?

The videos will be used to help promote the festival this year and in the future.

email videos to by Friday 26th September

Festival Interviewer. See 'Competition' tab for details

Festival Interviewer. See ‘Competition’ tab for details

Award Winning performance poet to stun students

Award Winning performance poet to stun students

Sabrina Mahfouz is currently a Sky Academy Arts Scholar for poetry; an Associate Artist at the Bush Theatre; Poet in Residence at Cape Farewell – a climate change and arts organisation; a Global Shaper with the World Economic Forum and a Writer at Liberty for the civil rights charity, Liberty. Her first collection of plays and poems, The Clean Collection, is published by Bloomsbury.

The award-winning performance poet will lead a workshop at Cowes Enterprise College on writing and performing your own work. The participants will spill their stories onto paper through a number of fun writing exercises and engage in some performance exercises in order to prepare them for presenting their favourite pieces to the rest of the class on Friday 17th October.

Sabrina will also be performing on Friday night as part of the Friday Fringe to the main Isle of Wight Literary Festival.